After officially beginning my program last October, I've been trying to integrate my "back to school life" with "make money and pay the bill life". It's a little tricky. In the following posts I'll be catching up with all the things I should have posted long ago. After a couple intensives, a residency and several meetings with supervisors, advisors and anyone else I could rally to advise me what to do, I've compiled a giant To Do List. There are several sections, Look Up, Read, Make, Watch, Write, Listen To, Sign Up For and Questions that came to mind. This is a summery of the last 4 months:
LOOK UP - (Some of these people I know, and some are new to me).
-Ruth Thorn Thompson-photographer
-Juestine Kurland-artist
-Elenor Antin-performance artist
-Jo Ann Callis-photographer
-Duane Michaels-photographer
-Peter Hujar-photographer
-Harry Bartch-Strange Musical Ensemble
-Tina Barney-photographer
-Annette Messager-artist
-Nancy and Edward Keinholtz-sculpture and installation artists
-Christian Boltanski
-Louise Bourgois
-Chris Burden-installation artist
-Basharat Khan-installation artist
-Feelings are Facts-Ivan Rainer
-At the Earth's Pace-Meditations on Slow Media
-The Sufi Teachings of Hazrat Inagat Khan
-Message from Water-Masura Emoto
-The Aural Walk-Iain Chambers
-The Expanded Field-George Baker
-Women in the Workplace report-McKensie & Co.
-Meredith Monk-vocal artist, I'm a Happy Woman
-Harry Bartch- Strange Musical Ensemble
-Alvin Lucien-I am speaking in a room
-Holland Andrews-Whitney Bienniel
Ragnar-The Visitor Piece in Iceland on Youtube.
-Personal history of sounds where I have lived.
-Susan Philpz- Sound art, Lowlands
-print the same photograph 10 times and rip different parts our each time. Print on translucent paper and line them up.
-self portrait of me as child enlarged and mounted on wood panel with childhood bedroom wallpaper behind.
-How do we teachgirls to feel whole and not to be affected by the judgement of others?
-How do we teach the whole world not to judge and to keep their opinions to themselves?
-What workds do women hear from men that make them feel uncomfortable?
-What makes people feel beautiful?
-Ask older people how their perception of beauty has changed over the years.
-How do men perceive beauty differently from women?